Thursday, December 10, 2009


Beside being very long, this article was very interesting. There are
some things that I agreed with and some I disagreed. The dictionary
does define Utopia as imaginary. I agree with Jameson that it is
something that deosn't exist. However, I believe that it will be
attainable, but if I am permited to say not by any human effort. The
Bible talks about the Millenium Reign, which is the restoration of Earth,
were God will be in control and everything will be perfect. To some this
idea migth be ubserd, but if believe it for the sake of argument, it is
possible. Perhaps a Utopia is a dream or possibilty for the future.
I think that is interesting how Jameson is trying to give Utopia a
different meaning and look, but the reality is that most people view it
as something political. I definately believe that people are too selfish
and self centered to put their pleasures aside and fight for a better
government. As Jameson points out addictiveness and sexuality can
hold societies back, however, I disagree with him because I belive they
are problems that have been around for many years, even before
modern civilization. There has always been this misunderstandings
about sexuality.
Aside from any beliefs, history has taught us that it is impossible
to reach a Utopia society. There are too many oppositions to it such
as, selfishness. Perhaps education can lead us close to it, but as long
as people are oppressed and hel back it is difficult to see any kind of

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